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MIT Application Requirements

Hi everyone, I'm really interested in applying to MIT for college. I know it's super competitive, so I was wondering if anyone could give me some insight on what the requirements are to apply and how I can strengthen my application.

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're interested in applying to MIT. You have the right mindset by aiming to strengthen your application for such a competitive school. Here's a quick rundown of the requirements to apply and some tips on how to improve your chances:

1. Application: MIT accepts both the Common Application and the Coalition Application. Make sure to fill out every section accurately and completely.

2. Essays: Along with the main application essay, MIT has a few supplemental essay questions focused on your interests, activities, and goals. Make sure to spend ample time on these essays to showcase your passion and individuality. Avoid cliché topics and think of unique approaches and experiences that demonstrate your personality and strengths.

3. Academic Record: MIT highly values a strong academic performance, so aim for top grades and a rigorous course load throughout high school. Taking challenging courses like APs or honors classes can improve your application as it demonstrates your willingness to challenge yourself.

4. Standardized Testing: MIT is now test-optional, which means submitting SAT or ACT scores is not required. However, if you have strong scores, it can still be helpful to submit them as they can complement your application.

5. Letters of Recommendation: You will need two letters from high school teachers and one from a school counselor. Choose recommenders who know you well and can speak about your strengths, dedication, and potential for success.

6. Extracurricular Activities: MIT looks for students who demonstrate leadership, dedication, and achievement through extracurriculars. Aim for a mix of activities that highlight your passions and expertise, and try to be deeply involved in a few rather than spreading yourself too thin.

7. Interview: Applicants are encouraged to schedule an interview with an MIT Educational Counselor (EC) in their area. The interview provides an opportunity to showcase your personality, passion, and accomplishments beyond what's written in your application.

To strengthen your application:

- Focus on developing a "spike" in an area you're passionate about, by pursuing high-level achievements or leadership roles.

- Take part in extracurricular activities that highlight your interests, dedication, and involvement. Aim for a mix of Tier 1-3 activities.

- Seek opportunities to conduct research, internships, or summer programs related to your field of interest and demonstrate your aptitude for innovation and problem-solving.

- Draft your essays early and revise multiple times to ensure they accurately reflect your unique experiences and perspectives. Seek feedback from peers, teachers, or college admission experts.

To learn more about CollegeVine, read this post:

Remember, MIT has a holistic admissions process, which means they consider every aspect of your application. Focus on showcasing your strengths, passions, and potential for success in your chosen field. Best of luck with your application!

a year ago

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