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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Pepperdine Waitlist?

Hey everyone, I've been waitlisted at Pepperdine, and I'm kinda anxious about what to do next. Does anyone have any tips or experiences about being on the waitlist and how to improve my chances of getting accepted? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! I understand that being waitlisted can be a nerve-wracking experience, but there are definitely some steps you can take to improve your chances of eventually getting accepted.

1. Write a letter or email to the admissions office expressing your enduring interest in attending Pepperdine if accepted off the waitlist. This shows them that you are still dedicated and serious about attending their school, and could potentially sway their decision in your favor.

2. Update your application with any new accomplishments or improvements that have taken place since you originally applied. This could include new grades, awards, extracurricular activities, or leadership positions. Be sure to emphasize how these achievements make you a stronger applicant and why they should reconsider your application.

3. If possible, consider reaching out to an admissions representative or your regional admissions counselor and connect with them. Demonstrating your continued interest in the school and discussing your accomplishments or future contributions can help make a case for your acceptance.

4. Be prompt in your communication with the admissions office. They may reach out to waitlisted applicants with deadlines or additional requested materials, so be sure to reply promptly and show your responsiveness.

5. Remain optimistic and have other options prepared. Continue weighing your other acceptances and prepare to attend one of those schools while keeping your hopes up for Pepperdine at the back of your mind.

Remember, students get accepted off the waitlist every year, so there's always a chance that you could be one of them. Just stay proactive, demonstrate strong interest, and be prepared with backup plans in case the final decision doesn't go your way. Good luck!

a year ago

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