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Short personal essay examples

Hey friends, I'm working on some short personal essays for college apps and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their own examples? Could use some guidance!

a year ago

Hey there! I'd be happy to share an example of a short personal essay I wrote for my college application. It's about a personal interest that I explored during my free time. Keep in mind that every essay is unique, so use this just as an inspiration to craft your own story! Here's the essay:

Growing up, I was always mesmerized by the night sky, no less by its beauty than by its vastness and mystery. When I discovered that my town had a local astronomy club, I eagerly attended their meetings and quickly found myself falling more deeply in love with the stars above. I couldn't get enough of gazing through telescopes and learning about far-off celestial wonders like binary systems and galaxy mergers.

As my passion for astronomy grew, so too did my desire to share it with others. I felt a constant need to explain what I knew and ignite the same excitement I felt in those around me. So, I began a weekly "Star Party" at a nearby park. At each Star Party, I would bring my portable telescope and invite friends, family, and even curious strangers to look through it while I shared stories about what we were observing.

The glow in the eyes of a young explorer as they stared in wonder at distant galaxies became the highlight of my week. Astronomy had gone from a solitary hobby to a shared experience, and as the popularity of my Star Parties grew, I found tremendous joy in how this simple act could bring so many diverse people together under one sky.

As I prepare for college, I look forward to continuing my journey in the world of astronomy, guided by the belief that the power of shared experiences can create powerful connections. Through further study and active engagement with others, I hope to uncover more mysteries of the universe, igniting more eyes to the awe it has brought me.

I hope this example helps, and remember to focus on what makes you unique and passionate. Good luck with your essays!

a year ago

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