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Engineering opportunities for high schoolers?

Hey! I'm a high school junior super passionate about engineering. I'd love to get more involved in engineering projects, workshops, or even internships. Anyone know any opportunities for high school students to gain more experience in the engineering field?

a year ago

Hello! It's great to see that you're passionate about engineering and looking for opportunities to gain experience. Here are a few options for high school students to explore the engineering field:

1. Summer Programs: Many colleges and universities offer summer engineering programs for high school students. Examples include MIT's Engineering Design Workshop and Michigan's Summer Engineering Exploration Camp. These programs typically provide hands-on engineering projects, workshops, and lectures. You can find a more extensive list of such programs on CollegeVine's blog:

2. Science Olympiad: If your school has a Science Olympiad team, consider joining. This competitive science and engineering event involves various challenges in engineering disciplines such as bridge building, robot arm, and electric vehicle. Participating in these competitions can help you develop technical skills and problem-solving abilities.

3. Robotics Club / FIRST Robotics: Robotics clubs or FIRST Robotics teams are great extracurricular activities that can give you hands-on engineering experience. They involve building and programming robots to complete specific tasks while competing against teams from other schools. You'll learn about engineering concepts, improve your teamwork skills, and connect with other students who share your interests.

4. Engineering Internships: While high school internships in engineering are less common, some companies and organizations offer summer internships or job-shadowing programs for high school students. You can approach local engineering firms, research facilities, and tech companies to inquire about potential opportunities - they might be interested in helping young members of their community refine their engineering interests! Additionally, see if there are any university research labs willing to accept high school students as interns or volunteers.

5. Maker Spaces and Workshops: Check if there are any maker spaces or community workshops in your area that offer classes or open access on topics such as 3D printing, electronics, and programming. These spaces are great for building your skills and engaging in hands-on engineering projects.

6. Online Resources: You can self-teach engineering topics through online platforms such as MIT OpenCourseWare, edX, Coursera, or Khan Academy, which offer free engineering courses and learning materials. These resources can help you build foundational knowledge and develop your interests further.

Finally, don't forget to seek out mentorship from engineering professionals or teachers who can guide you and provide helpful advice as you explore the engineering field. Good luck!

a year ago

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