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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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No Harvard interview?

So, I applied to Harvard and noticed that many of my peers have already heard back about their interviews. I haven't received any communication yet, and I'm starting to worry. Does not getting an interview indicate that my chances of getting accepted are lower?

8 months ago

While it's normal to feel anxious about not receiving an interview invitation yet, it's important not to stress too much. The interview process for Harvard and many other top-tier colleges is based on the availability of alumni interviewers in your area. If there aren't enough interviewers, or if there are scheduling conflicts, some applicants may not receive interview requests.

Not getting an interview doesn't necessarily mean that your chances of acceptance have decreased. The Harvard admissions office states that applicants who don't get interviewed are neither disadvantaged nor advantaged in the application process. It's just one additional element for the admissions officers to consider when reviewing your application.

Another point to keep in mind is that the alumni interviewers are volunteers, and they may take varying amounts of time to reach out to their assigned applicants. So, it's possible that you might receive an interview request later on.

At this stage, focus on maintaining your academic performance, engaging with your extracurriculars, and possibly applying to other colleges that interest you. The interview process is not entirely within your control, so it's essential to concentrate on the aspects of your application that you can influence. Best of luck!

8 months ago

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