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Pre-professional groups at Harvard?

Hey everyone, I'm considering applying to Harvard and I'm curious about the pre-professional groups available there. What kind of groups exist for students interested in law, medicine, and other professional fields? Any experiences or insights you could share would be awesome. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! Harvard offers a variety of pre-professional groups for students with interests in various professional fields. Some of the well-known groups are:

1. Harvard Pre-Law Society (HPLS) – This organization hosts events like panels, speaker series, law school fairs, workshops, and more to help students interested in pursuing a career in law. They also have a mentorship program where members can connect with current law students and alumni for guidance.

2. Harvard Pre-Medical Society (HPMS) – HPMS is focused on providing resources and support for students interested in medicine. They organize events like panels on medical school admissions, guest speaker series, and clinical volunteer opportunities. You'll also get to connect with peers who share your career goals and join a community of like-minded students.

3. Harvard College Consulting Group (HCCG) – If you're interested in business and consulting, this group is a great opportunity to gain first-hand experience and establish your network. HCCG works on real-world consulting projects on both non-profit and for-profit organizations, and offers training in areas like strategy, market analysis, and business development.

4. Harvard Financial Analysts Club – For students interested in finance, this group provides educational resources, organizes networking sessions with industry professionals, and hosts seminars about various aspects of the finance world (investment banking, asset management, etc).

5. Harvard Undergraduate Women in Business (HUWIB) – While not exclusively pre-professional, as there is also a feminist focus within this group, HUWIB does offer opportunities for all students interested in business. They host a range of events, workshops, and speaker series, aiming to foster professional development, leadership skills, and a support network for future women in the business world.

Of course, these are just a few highlights—Harvard is home to a wide range of other clubs that cater to specific pre-professional interests, so you're likely to find like-minded students with whom you can collaborate and explore your passions regardless of what your particular career goals are.

In addition to joining groups, you'll want to consider networking with professors and connecting with the career center, as they can also offer valuable resources and connections to help you reach your goals. Good luck with your application, and I hope this gives you a taste of the fantastic pre-professional opportunities available at Harvard!

a year ago

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