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Room and Board at UMass Amherst?

Hello! I'm considering attending UMass Amherst, but I'm a little concerned about the cost of room and board. Can anyone give me an idea of how much it is and if there are any ways to save on those expenses? Any help would be appreciated!

8 months ago

Hello! UMass Amherst offers several housing options that vary in price, with the cost of room and board depending on the type of dorm or housing you choose. Generally, the range for on-campus room and board can be from around $6,000 to $13,000 per academic year.

There are a few ways you can potentially save on room and board expenses. Here are some suggestions:

1. Choose the most affordable housing option: UMass Amherst usually offers traditional dorms, suites, and apartments, with the traditional dorms being the most affordable option.

2. Opt for a less expensive meal plan: Meal plans can vary in cost based on the number of meal swipes and dining dollars you choose. By selecting a lower-tier meal plan, you can save some money.

3. Apply for a Resident Assistant (RA) position: RAs typically receive free or discounted room and board as part of their compensation. However, this is a competitive position with responsibilities that may require a significant time commitment.

4. Live off-campus: You may consider finding off-campus housing, which could potentially be less expensive than on-campus options, especially when sharing an apartment with roommates. Keep in mind, though, that living off-campus does come with additional expenses such as utilities, groceries, and transportation.

5. Explore work-study jobs: Federal work-study jobs or other campus employment opportunities can help you earn money to offset the cost of room and board.

You'll want to thoroughly research and weigh your options to determine the best course of action for your situation, but hopefully these suggestions give you a clearer sense of how to manage room and board costs at UMass Amherst. Best of luck!

8 months ago

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