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ACT with writing duration

Hi there! I'm preparing to take the ACT with the writing section. How long does the ACT take with writing? I'm trying to get an idea of how to pace myself. Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! The duration of the ACT with writing is approximately 3 hours and 35 minutes, including breaks. The test consists of four sections, English (45 minutes), Math (60 minutes), Reading (35 minutes), and Science (35 minutes), with a 10-minute break after the Math section. Following the break, you'll take the writing section, which is 40 minutes long.

To pace yourself, divide the time allocated for each section by the number of questions to find out how much time you have per question. For example, in the English section, you have 45 minutes to answer 75 questions, giving you roughly 36 seconds per question.

In the Math section, you'll have around 60 seconds per question as there are 60 questions to be answered in 60 minutes.

For the Reading and Science sections, you'll have 35 minutes for 40 questions each, which equates to about 52 seconds per question.

Lastly, in the writing section, make sure to spend a few of your 40 minutes brainstorming and outlining your response, before diving into the actual writing - that initial organization will help you use the rest of your time as efficiently as possible. Good luck with your preparation!

a year ago

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