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Fun topics for high school students to discuss

I'm a junior, and I'm currently working on an assignment where I have to engage my classmates in a conversation about high school experiences. Any suggestions for fun and interesting topics that might spark some great discussions?

a year ago

It's great that you're trying to create an engaging conversation with your classmates! Here are a few topic ideas that could lead to fun and interesting discussions about high school experiences:

1. Extracurricular activities: Ask your classmates to share their favorite clubs, sports, or after-school activities, as well as any memorable moments they've had in their chosen activities.

2. Most memorable event or moment: Encourage your classmates to share a standout event or moment from their high school years so far, whether it's a funny incident, a proud achievement, or an unforgettable performance.

3. Unexpected lessons: Discuss any unconventional or unexpected lessons learned in or out of the classroom. It could be something they've discovered through a personal project, a hobby, or an informal learning experience.

4. Teachers who made a difference: Encourage your classmates to share stories about teachers who have had a significant positive impact on their lives or education, and why those teachers stand out.

5. If I could change one thing: Ask your classmates to consider what they'd like to change about their high school experience if they had the chance. This could range from school policies to aspects of the overall school environment or even personal decisions they made along the way.

6. College and career aspirations: Have a casual conversation about what your classmates envision for their post-high school lives, including their dream colleges and career paths, and discuss how their high school experiences have influenced these aspirations.

7. Balancing school and life: Engage in a discussion about the challenges of balancing academics, extracurriculars, work, family, friends, and personal time during high school, and exchange tips on how to manage these competing demands effectively.

8. Movies and books about high school: Discuss popular movies and books that depict high school life and compare how these fictional portrayals align with your classmates' own experiences.

Remember, the key to a great discussion is to make everyone feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions. Encourage an open and non-judgmental atmosphere, and enjoy the opportunity to learn more about your classmates' unique experiences!

a year ago

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