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Product competitions for high schoolers?

Hello! I'm really into inventing new products and coming up with innovative ideas. Are there any well-known product competitions that a high school student like me can participate in? I'd love to put my creativity to the test!

a year ago

Hello! It's wonderful that you're interested in inventing new products and fostering your creativity. There is a number of product competitions that high school students can participate in, both regionally and nationally. Here are a few suggestions:

1. FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC): FRC is a popular competition focused on building robots to complete different tasks. While it's centered on robotics, the tasks often involve innovative thinking and require creative solutions.

2. Conrad Challenge: The Conrad Challenge is an annual multi-phase innovation competition that encourages collaboration among diverse teams and creative problem-solving in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. It's a great opportunity to work on products while honing your entrepreneurial skills.

3. InvenTeams: Organized by The Lemelson-MIT Program, InvenTeams is a grant program that awards high school teams with up to $10,000 to design, build, and showcase an invention. This competition allows you to work on product design and engineering projects while problem-solving with a supportive community of innovators.

4. The Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF): The world’s largest pre-college science competition, the ISEF provides an opportunity for young inventors to present their original research to a panel of judges. You could develop a new product and present it here for recognition.

5. TEAMS (Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science): TEAMS is a national competition focused on applied STEM and engineering challenges. It is geared towards finding innovative solutions for real-world problems and could provide a great platform for testing your inventive ideas.

Remember to check the eligibility requirements and deadlines for each competition before entering, and good luck! Participating in these contests can help you refine your skills, foster a deeper understanding of innovation, and add another impressive Tier 2 or Tier 3 extracurricular activity to your college application.

a year ago

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