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How to Travel Between Harvard and MIT?

Hey everyone, I’ve got some great extracurriculars planned for college and I'm considering applying to Harvard. Thing is, they involve taking advantage of resources at both Harvard and MIT. Are there convenient ways to travel between the two campuses? Let me know, thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! It's awesome that you're planning to make the most of resources at both Harvard and MIT. The good news is that the two campuses are fairly close to each other, about 2 miles apart, and commuting between them is relatively easy. Here are some options for traveling between the schools:

1. Public transit: The most convenient and budget-friendly way to travel between the schools is by using the MBTA (Boston's public transit system). You can take the Red Line from Harvard Square to Kendall/MIT Station. The subway ride only takes around 10-15 minutes.

2. Cycling: If you prefer biking, there are bike lanes along the streets connecting the two campuses. The ride typically takes about 20 minutes, depending on your pace.

3. Walking: If you're up for a stroll, you can walk between the campuses in about 40-45 minutes.

4. Shuttle: Both Harvard and MIT offer shuttle services, but they're usually restricted to students, faculty, and staff with valid IDs. Check with the schools' transportation offices for details and eligibility.

5. Rideshare: As a last resort, you could always use rideshare services like Uber or Lyft, but note that this could be the least cost-effective option, especially during peak times.

Whichever option you choose, traveling between the two campuses should be fairly straightforward. Best of luck with your college applications and future extracurriculars!

a year ago

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