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Ivies and scholarships

Hi everyone! I'm a little stressed about applying to college and am wondering if Ivy League schools offer scholarships, either merit or need-based? Can anyone share their experience or knowledge about this? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! No need to stress; I'm here to help! Ivy League schools do offer financial aid, primarily in the form of need-based aid. These schools are committed to meeting 100% of demonstrated financial need for all admitted students, which means they will create financial aid packages to cover the difference between the cost of attendance and what your family is expected to contribute based on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and CSS Profile (where applicable).

Need-based financial aid packages in Ivy League schools typically consist of grants, work-study opportunities, and sometimes federal loans, although a few Ivies, like Princeton, offer aid packages without loans. It's worth noting that Ivy League schools usually do not offer merit-based scholarships, as they focus on meeting students' financial need.

In addition to the financial aid offered by Ivy League schools, you can explore and apply for external scholarships from various organizations, foundations, and companies. While the process of searching and applying for scholarships takes time and effort, it's worthwhile in reducing your overall college costs.

As a tip, when applying for financial aid at Ivy League schools, make sure to complete the FAFSA and, if required, the CSS Profile as soon as they become available (usually October 1st). The sooner you submit these applications, the sooner you'll know your eligibility and the better your chances of receiving aid.

Good luck with your applications and financial aid search!

a year ago

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