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Impact of quitting band?

Hey everyone, I've been part of my high school marching band since ninth grade, but for various reasons, I'm considering quitting this year. Would this decision significantly impact my college applications, especially if I have other strong extracurriculars? Thanks for your input.

8 months ago

Hey there! Quitting band might have some impact on your college applications, but it ultimately depends on how strong your other extracurriculars are and how you present your overall application.

If you have highly-involved extracurriculars outside of band that demonstrate your passion and commitment for a particular area, quitting band may not be a big issue for your application. Colleges genuinely care more about quality over quantity, so if your other activities effectively showcase your strengths and interests, that should help offset any potential negative impact.

However, do keep in mind that admissions officers like to see long-term commitment in your activities. Quitting band after being part of it since ninth grade might raise some questions, but it's not a deal-breaker. If the "various reasons" you mentioned for quitting are reasonable and meaningful, you may want to briefly address it in a supplemental essay or have your counselor explain the circumstances in their recommendation letter.

Ultimately, it's important to prioritize activities and commitments that genuinely matter to you and your long-term goals, rather than trying to please admissions officers. If you're passionate about your other extracurriculars, your energy might be better utilized by focusing on them.

In summary, while quitting band could have some impact on your college application, if you have strong and highly-involved extracurriculars, the effect may be minimized. Make sure to highlight your other activities and, if necessary, explain your reasons for quitting band in a thoughtful way. Good luck!

8 months ago

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