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Radiology classes for high school students?

Hey everyone, I'm interested in exploring a career in radiology. What classes should I be taking in high school to prepare myself for the field? Are there any online courses or extracurricular opportunities I should consider as well?

a year ago

Hi there! It's fantastic to see you're interested in radiology as a potential career. In high school, you should focus on taking classes in the sciences, primarily biology, chemistry, and physics, as these subjects form the foundation for a radiology career. If your school offers advanced courses such as AP Biology, AP Chemistry, or AP Physics, consider enrolling in those to demonstrate your commitment to the field.

In addition to your science classes, strengthen your mathematical skills by taking courses like Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus if available. Radiology often involves working with medical imaging software and making calculations, so a strong foundation in math will be beneficial.

As for extracurricular opportunities or online courses, you can look into job shadowing or internships at local hospitals or imaging centers to gain firsthand exposure to the field. Reach out to radiologists, technologists, or other medical professionals in your area and ask if they would be willing to provide mentorship or guidance.

You could also explore online resources or platforms like Coursera or edX, which offer a variety of free or low-cost courses in subjects like anatomy, medical imaging, or related sciences. These courses might be geared towards college students or professionals, but you can still benefit from the knowledge and use it to inform your decision about pursuing a career in radiology.

Lastly, you could consider joining a health science or career-focused club at your high school, or even start one if it doesn't exist. Participating in clubs can provide you with valuable knowledge, experience, and connections that can help you as you pursue your passion for radiology.

Wishing you the best of luck on your journey!

a year ago

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