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FAFSA parent financial info - what's the process?

I am planning to apply for financial aid using FAFSA, and I'm a bit overwhelmed. How do I go about filling out the parent financial information section? Any guidance or tips would be really helpful! TIA!

a year ago

Filling out the parent financial information section on the FAFSA can indeed be overwhelming, but I'll break down the process for you to make it easier. Here are the main steps you need to follow:

1. Gather necessary documents: Before you start, ensure that your parents have their most recent tax returns, W-2s, records of untaxed income, current bank statements, and investment information handy. This will help make the process smoother when inputting the data.

2. Create an FSA ID: Both you and a parent should create separate FSA IDs (Federal Student Aid IDs) at the Federal Student Aid website. These unique IDs serve as your electronic signatures and provide access to your FAFSA information.

3. Log in to the FAFSA website: Go to and click "Start Here". You will log in with your FSA ID, and your parent will later sign with their FSA ID.

4. Fill out the demographic information: Complete the student demographic section first, and then move on to the parent demographic section. This will include information such as names, addresses, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, and marital status.

5. Input parent financial data: In the parent financial information section, you'll be asked to provide details about your parents' income, assets, and certain expenses. You may be able to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) to automatically import tax information from the IRS, making this step easier.

6. Indicate both parents' financial contributions: If your parents are divorced or separated, you'll only need to provide financial information for the parent you have lived with the most in the past 12 months (or the parent that provides more than half of your support). If that parent has remarried, you must also provide the stepparent's financial information.

7. Sign and submit the form: Review all the information for accuracy, and then both you and your parent need to sign the FAFSA using your respective FSA IDs before submitting it.

Some tips to help you through this process:

- Start early and don't wait until the last minute, as the application can take some time to complete.

- Always double-check the figures and details you input to avoid any potential errors.

- Make sure you have a valid email address linked to your FSA ID, as important updates will be sent via email.

- Keep track of state and college-specific financial aid deadlines in addition to the federal deadline.

Once you submit the FAFSA, you will receive your Student Aid Report (SAR) which summarizes your eligibility for financial aid. Remember to review it carefully and make any necessary corrections to ensure you receive the appropriate amount of aid. Good luck!

a year ago

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