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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Advice for top 10 college applications?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior looking to apply to some top 10 colleges next year. Can anyone give me advice on what's crucial to make my application stand out? What do these top schools usually look for in candidates?

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're setting your sights on top-tier colleges. To make your application stand out, focus on developing a strong "spike" or area of expertise, which shows your passion and potential to excel. Having a unique and highly-developed specialty is more important to top colleges than being well-rounded. Identify your strong interests and work on deepening your involvement in related activities and extracurriculars.

Maintain excellent grades, and challenge yourself with rigorous coursework (AP, IB or honors courses) to demonstrate your ability to succeed academically. Also, prepare for standardized tests like the SAT or ACT if the colleges you're targeting still require or consider these scores.

Impressive extracurriculars make a difference, and you should aim for a mix of Tier 1, 2, and 3 activities, with a focus on leadership, achievement, and community impact. Remember that quality is more important than quantity, and being genuinely involved in a few extracurriculars is better than having many superficial engagements.

Your personal statement and supplemental essays are essential for showcasing your unique perspective and personal growth. Avoid cliché topics and focus on telling a compelling story that demonstrates your values and experiences that shaped you.

Letters of recommendation can provide valuable context about your academic and personal capabilities. Develop strong relationships with teachers, counselors, and mentors who can attest to your strengths, resilience, and potential for success in college.

Applying Early Decision or Early Action can boost your chances of acceptance, especially if you have a top-choice school. However, keep in mind that Early Decision is binding, so choose this option only if you're confident in your decision.

Research specific requirements and preferences for each college on your list, as well as their common values and educational philosophies. Tailor your application to each college by demonstrating how you align with their mission, culture, and offerings.

Lastly, recognize the importance of giving yourself ample time to prepare your application. Start researching and working on essays early, plan for test-taking if needed, and seek guidance from experienced sources like your school counselor, admissions professionals, or online sources like CollegeVine.

Best of luck in your college application journey!

a year ago

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