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JHU essay prompts advice?

Hey guys! I'm starting to brainstorm and draft my college essays, and I could use some advice. What are some tips or things to keep in mind for the Johns Hopkins essay prompts? I want to make sure I stand out!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're getting a head start on drafting your college essays. For Johns Hopkins University (JHU), the main goal is to make sure your essay reflects your authentic self and showcases your unique qualities. Here are some tips to help you achieve that when responding to JHU's essay prompts:

1. Understand the prompt: The JHU prompt asks you to describe an experience or idea that captivates you and why it's meaningful to you. Make sure to thoroughly answer both parts of the prompt so your essay is concise and relevant.

2. Show genuine interest: Demonstrate enthusiasm for the subject matter and explain not just what fascinates you about it, but also why it matters to you. This helps the admissions committee understand how the experience or idea has shaped you as a person.

3. Be personal and reflective: Use anecdotes and personal reflections to illustrate your thoughts and emotions surrounding the topic. The more personal and engaging your essay, the more memorable it will be for the admissions committee.

4. Show growth and self-awareness: Colleges look for students who have the ability to learn and grow from their experiences. Discuss any challenges you faced or lessons you learned through your experience or exploration of the idea, and how they have contributed to your personal growth.

5. Demonstrate a connection to JHU: While not explicitly required, you can strengthen your essay by subtly connecting your topic to JHU's values or any specific opportunities the university offers that align with your interests. This shows the admissions committee that you've done your research and you're serious about attending JHU.

6. Be coherent and engaging: Keep your essay organized and easy to follow by having a clear structure. Use an engaging writing style including descriptive language, dialogue, or even humor, when appropriate, to keep the reader's interest.

7. Edit your essay: Make sure your essay is polished and free of grammar and punctuation errors. It's important to have others read your essay, as they could provide valuable insights about your writing and content that could be improved.

8. Avoid clichés and overused topics: While there's no need to shy away from common topics, try to approach them from a unique angle or focus on a specific aspect that genuinely reflects your character and interests.

To learn more, read the following post:

Remember, the main goal of your essay is to help the admissions committee get to know you beyond your grades and test scores. By following these tips and focusing on what makes you unique and enthusiastic about the subject matter, you'll craft a compelling essay that stands out to the JHU admissions team. Good luck!

a year ago

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