What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Is CollegeVine safe?

Hey, guys! I stumbled upon a college guidance platform called CollegeVine, and I'm wondering if it's trustworthy and worth using for my college search and application process. Anyone here with experience using it?

8 months ago

Hello! CollegeVine is a reputable platform that offers various tools and resources to help with college search, application process, and essay review. Many students have found it useful in their college journey, as it provides insights into different aspects of college admissions and recommends potential colleges based on personalized input.

One of the popular features of CollegeVine is their "chancing engine," which estimates your chances of acceptance at various schools based on your profile. Keep in mind that this is only an estimate and should not be taken as a guarantee. That being said, the engine can give you a general idea of where you may have a competitive edge.

If you're interested in essay review services, CollegeVine has a peer-review community for that, where you can get your essays reviewed for free. Remember that feedback quality may vary, as it's peer-reviewed – in other words, other students in the community will be providing feedback, not professional admissions consultants.

Over the years, CollegeVine has built a positive reputation, and many students do find it helpful. It's a reliable source to fall back on during your college search and application process. However, just like with any tool, it's essential to use it in conjunction with other resources, gather as much information as possible, and make decisions based on a comprehensive evaluation of your options.

To get the most out of CollegeVine, I'd recommend using it as a starting point in your college journey, and then supplementing it with your own research, speaking with high school counselors, attending college visits, and gathering advice from current college students or alumni.

Good luck with your college search process!

8 months ago

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