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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What happens when SAT centers close?

I've heard that some SAT testing centers have closed, and I'm a little bit stressed about it. What usually happens to the students registered at closed centers? Do they automatically get rescheduled or do we need to take action? Thanks for the help!

8 months ago

I understand that it can be frustrating when SAT testing centers close unexpectedly. When a testing center is closed, the College Board typically takes action to ensure that impacted students have another opportunity to take the test.

In most cases, College Board will auto-reschedule students registered at closed centers to the next available testing date and location. You should receive an email with the new test date and location information. It's crucial to keep an eye on your email and check the College Board website for any updates regarding your specific test center.

If, for any reason, you are not automatically rescheduled, or the new testing date and location isn't suitable for you, you may contact the College Board directly to discuss your options. They can assist you in rescheduling for a different testing date or finding an alternative location. Additionally, if your new testing center is further away and travel expenses become an issue, you can reach out to College Board to discuss fee-waivers for this as well.

Keep track of any announcements from College Board and communicate your concerns to them if needed. Good luck with your SAT preparations!

8 months ago

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