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Creating the perfect senior year schedule

What kind of schedule would you recommend for senior year? I want to find the right balance between challenging myself academically and having time for extracurriculars and personal interests. Can anyone share their own senior year schedules or any advice to help me plan mine?

a year ago

It's wonderful that you're considering the balance between academics and personal interests for your senior year! Here's a general guide on how to construct a well-balanced schedule:

1. Core academic subjects: Make sure to include any remaining required courses for graduation or college prerequisites. You should ideally continue taking rigorous courses in each core subject area (English, math, science, history, and foreign language).

2. AP or Dual Enrollment courses: If you've been taking AP classes, consider maintaining or slightly increasing the number of AP courses you take during your senior year. Colleges value course rigor, so demonstrate your commitment to challenging yourself academically.

3. Electives aligned with your interests: Choose electives that align with your major or career interests to show colleges that you have a clear focus, or explore new interests to demonstrate your intellectual curiosity.

4. Prepare for college tests or entrance exams: Be mindful of time you might need for test preparation, retaking the SAT/ACT, or preparing for college entrance exams if you're considering specialized programs (e.g., for art or music majors).

With these in mind, an example senior year schedule could look like this:

1. AP English Literature (core subject)

2. AP Calculus AB or BC (core subject)

3. AP Biology, Chemistry, or Physics (core subject)

4. AP US Government and Politics or AP Comparative Government and Politics (core subject)

5. Foreign language course (core subject)

6. Elective related to your interest (e.g., creative writing, computer science, business)

7. Study hall or free period (time management)

Remember to adjust the schedule to your specific needs and goals, while taking into consideration the time you want for extracurriculars and personal interests. Keep in mind that it's alright to have a manageable workload; demonstrate that you're challenging yourself without overextending. Ultimately, the "perfect" senior year schedule varies for each individual, so consider what works best for you and prioritize maintaining a healthy balance between academics and personal interests. Good luck!

a year ago

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