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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Hey everyone, I'm deciding between Ohio State University and Washington State University for my college choice. Can anyone shed light on their experiences, especially in terms of the academic programs, campus culture, and extracurriculars? I'd be grateful for any insight you could provide!

a year ago

Hey there! I can't speak from personal experience, but I'll try to give you an overview of Ohio State University (OSU) and Washington State University (WSU) based on what I've learned. Keep in mind that your personal priorities and preferences should play a significant role when making your decision.

Academic Programs: Both OSU and WSU offer strong academic programs, but they vary in their specialized areas of strength. OSU is known for its business, engineering, and public health programs, whereas WSU is recognized for its programs in agriculture, veterinary science, and engineering. Both schools have a strong emphasis on research, so if that's an area you’re interested in pursuing, they both offer opportunities for undergraduate research.

Campus Culture: OSU and WSU have somewhat different campus cultures. OSU, located in Columbus, Ohio, provides a more urban experience with a bigger city feeling, offering a variety of cultural and entertainment opportunities. It's a Big Ten school with a strong sports culture, particularly around football. WSU, located in Pullman, Washington, offers a more traditional college town atmosphere and the Washington spirit is evident on campus. Both schools have a diverse student population, and you'll find that there are numerous clubs and organizations catering to various interests at both OSU and WSU.

Extracurriculars: Both universities have a plethora of extracurriculars available to students. At OSU, you'll find over 1,400 student organizations including club sports, cultural and community service organizations, and professional and academic groups. WSU offers around 400 student groups, but keep in mind that it has a smaller student population than OSU. WSU emphasizes involvement in its local community through various volunteering and service opportunities.

At the end of the day, it might be worth visiting both campuses, talking to current students, and getting a feel for the environment to see which one aligns best with your personal preferences and goals. Each university has its own unique set of strengths and characteristics, so think about which aspects matter the most to you. Best of luck with your decision!

a year ago

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