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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does UPenn require first quarter grades?

Hey guys, I'm a junior and really interested in applying to UPenn. I was wondering if they require first quarter grades for the application? How important are these grades in the decision process?

8 months ago

Hello! UPenn does not specifically require first quarter grades for regular decision applicants. However, they do request your mid-year report, which typically includes first semester grades. If you're applying Early Decision, though, your counselor may be asked to submit a report which can include your first quarter grades, if they are available.

For Early Decision applicants, while first quarter grades might not hold as much weight as your overall academic performance, they do showcase your most recent academic achievements. Having a strong first quarter demonstrates your readiness for college-level work just a year before you'd be arriving on campus. Conversely, a weak first quarter could raise concerns about your preparation for a more rigorous academic environment. Therefore, when shooting for a school as selective as UPenn, it's always a good idea to maintain or even improve your academic standing at all points throughout your high school years.

I hope this explanation helps clear things up for you!

8 months ago

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