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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Scholarships That Pay Directly to Students?

Hey guys, I'm curious if there are any scholarships that directly pay the recipient instead of the school? Would be great if you could share some examples or resources! Thanks!

8 months ago

Absolutely! There are several scholarships that pay directly to the recipients instead of the school, allowing you to use the funds for various educational expenses like transportation, books, or living essentials.

1. The Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship: Open to high school seniors, you can receive between $4,000 and $50,000 over four years, with funds sent directly to you.

2. The Courage to Grow Scholarship: This monthly scholarship awards $500 directly to a high school junior, senior, or college student after being chosen from a pool of applicants based on a short essay submission.

3. The Writers of The Future Contest: If you're a writer with an inclination towards science fiction or fantasy, this scholarship is for you. Quarterly winners can receive up to $1,000 directly, with annual awards granting up to $5,000.

4. The DoSomething.org Campaign Scholarships: This organization runs various campaigns throughout the year targeting different social issues. By participating, you can win varying scholarship amounts paid directly to you.

5. The Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship: If you're artistically inclined, you can create a unique greeting card design to compete for a $10,000 scholarship paid directly to you.

To find additional scholarships, I would recommend using scholarship search databases like Fastweb, Cappex, or CollegeVine's ScholarshipFinder, which allows you to filter scholarships based on your eligibility and preferences. Keep an eye out for scholarships that specify awards will be sent directly to the recipient, and good luck!

8 months ago

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