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Auburn vs Purdue: Comparing aerospace engineering programs?

I want to major in aerospace engineering and I'm considering both Auburn and Purdue. Can anyone give me some insight into the pros and cons of each program? How do job prospects and internship opportunities compare? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Both Auburn and Purdue have strong aerospace engineering programs, but there are some differences to keep in mind when making your decision. Let's break down the pros and cons of each program:

Auburn University:


1. Strong community atmosphere; many students cite the "Auburn family" feeling as a reason they enjoy attending.

2. Auburn's campus is known for its beauty and offers a traditional college experience, including sports and active campus life.

3. The aerospace program at Auburn has hands-on learning opportunities and offers small class sizes to maximize individual attention.


1. Auburn may have fewer overall resources for research as compared to Purdue.

2. Auburn's program may not be as well-known internationally as Purdue's, which can lead to a slightly lower reputation in the aerospace industry.

Purdue University:


1. Purdue has a highly reputable aerospace engineering program, ranking in the top tier of aerospace programs in the US.

2. Purdue has a larger network for research funding and offers a broader range of research opportunities, as well as collaborations with industry partners like GE Aviation and Lockheed Martin.

3. Purdue's location in Indiana provides access to multiple aerospace companies and job opportunities in the Midwest region.


1. Purdue's larger size may make it feel less personal, and its campus may not have the same charm that Auburn's does.

2. Purdue's focus on engineering can make the overall atmosphere of the school very competitive, which might be stressful for some students.

Regarding job prospects and internship opportunities, Purdue's stronger reputation and location might give you an edge with national and international aerospace companies. Auburn's program is still well-regarded, though, so attending either university should position you well for your career.

Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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