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Got a 1490 on the SAT: Is it a competitive score for top schools?

So I just got my SAT score back and it's a 1490. I'm really excited about it but I'm also kinda wondering, is this score competitive enough for top schools? How much weight do schools put on SAT scores nowadays? Any insight is appreciated!

8 months ago

Congratulations on your 1490 SAT score! That's an impressive achievement. To answer your question, yes, a 1490 is generally competitive for top schools. While it may not be the highest score among applicants, it still falls within the range of scores typically seen at these institutions.

It's important to keep in mind that colleges don't solely rely on test scores for their admissions decisions. Even though standardized test scores like the SAT remain one factor in the admissions process, schools tend to take a holistic approach when considering applicants. This means they'll also look at your grades, course rigor, extracurricular activities, essays, and various other factors to assess your overall fit for their institution.

That said, each college may weigh test scores and other factors differently. For example, some highly-selective schools might place greater emphasis on strong test scores, while others may prioritize extracurricular involvement or community engagement. To determine how competitive your score is for a specific school, you could compare your score to the middle 50% range of SAT scores for admitted students. This information can usually be found on a college's admissions website or through various online college profiles.

In summary, your 1490 SAT score is competitive for top schools, but it's essential to focus on other aspects of your application, such as GPA, course rigor, and extracurriculars. Maintaining a strong overall profile will give you the best shot at being admitted to your top choice institutions. Good luck with your college applications!

8 months ago

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