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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Enough AP Classes?

Hey there, I'm wondering if taking 11 AP classes throughout high school is enough to be considered competitive for college admissions. Will this be enough to impress top-tier universities, or should I try to take even more? Help a stressed junior out!

a year ago

Hey there! Taking 11 AP classes throughout high school is certainly an impressive number and demonstrates a strong commitment to rigor in your coursework. However, it's essential to remember that top-tier universities don't solely focus on the quantity of AP classes taken but also the quality of involvement and the breadth of your interests.

When evaluating your application, college admissions officers will look at the context of your school. If your school offers many more AP classes and you've focused only on a few areas of interest, they may wonder why. In this case, it might be beneficial to diversify your coursework and take additional AP classes to showcase a well-rounded and challenging curriculum. On the other hand, if you've taken most of the AP classes that your school offers, then you've done your best to challenge yourself given the resources available to you.

Ultimately, your course rigor is just one part of your application. Colleges evaluate applicants holistically, meaning they consider your extracurricular activities, essays, recommendation letters, and more. Instead of trying to simply increase the number of AP classes, focus on excelling academically in the classes you're taking, pursuing meaningful extracurriculars, and developing your passions.

Keep in mind that mental and physical well-being is essential, so don't overload yourself with coursework just to impress colleges. Maintain a balance that allows you to explore your interests and enjoy your high school experience while still challenging yourself academically. Good luck!

a year ago

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