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Rutgers vs Stony Brook for STEM Majors?

I'm considering applying to Rutgers and Stony Brook for a STEM major, and I'd love to hear from students who have experience at either (or both) schools. What should I know about the STEM programs, campus life, and general differences between these two schools?

8 months ago

First off, both Rutgers and Stony Brook are great choices for your STEM education! As someone who's familiar with both schools, I'll outline some differences and aspects of the STEM programs, campus life, and other factors that may help inform your decision.

STEM Programs:

Rutgers is known for its strong engineering, computer science, and biomedical sciences programs. The school offers a wide range of research opportunities and resources for its students. Stony Brook, on the other hand, is part of the SUNY system and is renowned for its science and engineering programs, as well as its partnerships with nearby research institutions like Brookhaven National Laboratory. Stony Brook's strength in STEM fields is rooted in hands-on learning experiences and opportunities to engage in undergraduate research projects. While rankings aren't everything, Stony Brook is typically ranked above Rutgers when it comes to STEM.

Campus Life:

Rutgers, located in New Brunswick, NJ, has a larger, more spread-out campus with an urban feel. Transportation between campuses can be a bit challenging, but it provides a diverse range of experiences, from bustling city life to quieter, greener areas. Rutgers has a strong sports culture, and students are passionate about supporting their Scarlet Knights.

Stony Brook's campus is more compact and has a more suburban feel, located on Long Island, NY. The community is somewhat more tight-knit, and the school's smaller size makes it easier to engage with faculty and form lasting connections. Stony Brook has less emphasis on sports, but there are still many clubs and activities for students to get involved in.

General Differences:

Rutgers is a larger school with a broader range of majors and programs, which can be a pro or con depending on your perspective. Some students appreciate the wide array of opportunities, while others may find it overwhelming and prefer a more focused environment like Stony Brook.

Stony Brook tends to be more affordable for in-state students, and its reputation as a leading research institution in STEM can provide valuable connections to industry and research institutions. It's worth mentioning that Stony Brook is closer to New York City, so if weekend trips to the city are appealing to you, that might be a factor to consider.

Both schools have their unique strengths and campus environments, so your personal preferences will likely play a large role in your decision. Hopefully this information provides a good starting point for your research though. Good luck with your applications!

8 months ago

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