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Popular topics for University of Chicago essays?

Hi everyone, I'm planning to apply to the University of Chicago and I'm trying to brainstorm ideas for my essay. What are some interesting topics that you've seen in UChicago essays or have written about yourself? Would love to hear your experiences and insights!

a year ago

Hello! UChicago essays can be quite unique due to their creative nature and broad range of topics, which allows applicants to showcase their quirky and inventive side. When you're brainstorming essay ideas, think about experiences or aspects of your life that emphasize your creativity, intellectual curiosity, and analytical thinking. Here are some interesting topics applicants have used in the past:

1. Playing with the idea of alternate realities or "What if" scenarios, then using that concept to explore a personal belief or a perspective on a subject like history, philosophy, or pop culture.

2. Incorporating a favorite board game or strategy game as a metaphor for life, where you delve into lessons and insights you've gained through playing it and how those lessons translate into important values or aspects of your personality.

3. Analyzing an obscure or seemingly insignificant historical event that has somehow impacted your life and explaining the connections, lessons learned, and the broader implications of your findings.

4. Using a creative writing approach like writing a fictional story, immersing readers in it, and then revealing how that story reflects your fears, aspirations, or values. You could also write your essay like a diary entry, time-log schedule, journalistic article, etc.

5. Taking a deep dive into a specific cultural or artistic obsession you have (e.g. collecting vintage lunchboxes or knowing everything about a lesser-known artist), showing your passion for the subject, and explaining what it signifies in your life or how it has changed how you see the world.

Remember to approach your essay with an open mind and a willingness to explore new ideas. UChicago appreciates originality and deep thought, so don't be afraid to take risks and think outside the box. Make sure the essay showcases your personality, curiosity, and intellectual capabilities while still being concise and well-structured. Good luck with your essay!

a year ago

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