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USC special programs: how do they work?

Hey guys, I'm getting interested in USC, and I've been hearing about their special programs. Can someone explain how these programs work and what's unique about them? Are there special application processes or requirements I should know about? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! USC offers a variety of special programs that cater to different interests and fields of study. These programs often involve combined curriculums, interdisciplinary approaches, or unique experiences not typically found in standard major tracks. Some examples of such programs at USC include the Iovine and Young Academy, the World Bachelor in Business, and the Resident Honors Program. Let's take a closer look at each of these.

1. Iovine and Young Academy: This program focuses on the intersection of arts, technology, and entrepreneurship. As a student in this program, you would earn a Bachelor of Science in Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation and engage with projects that combine design, engineering, business, and more. To apply, you have to submit an extra supplement on top of the general USC application, which includes answering essay prompts and providing a creative portfolio.

2. World Bachelor in Business (WBB): Through the WBB program, you can earn degrees from three prestigious institutions: USC, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), and Bocconi University in Italy. You'd spend one year at each institution before choosing which one you'd like to complete your fourth and final year. The program's focus is on global business and interdisciplinary study. Like the Iovine and Young Academy, there is an additional supplement required on top of the general USC application.

3. Resident Honors Program (RHP): RHP is specifically designed for high-achieving high school juniors to apply for and start college a year early. As a USC student, you would have access to the university's classes, research opportunities, and resources while starting your college experience a year ahead. Admission to the RHP requires completing the standard USC application and an additional RHP supplement, including the recommendation of a high school counselor or teacher.

To apply to any of these programs, you must first complete the general USC application through the Common App or Coalition App, then submit the required supplements. Admissions for these special programs can be competitive, so make sure you invest time in crafting a strong application and showcasing your unique skills and experiences. Good luck with your application process, and I hope you find the right program for you at USC!

a year ago

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