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Computer Science Degree: BA or BS?

I'm considering pursuing computer science in college, but I'm not sure whether I should go for a BA or BS degree. Are there any significant differences between the two, and what factors should I consider while choosing?

a year ago

Both the BA (Bachelor of Arts) and BS (Bachelor of Science) degree options in computer science can lead to successful careers in the tech industry, but they have some key differences in focus and course requirements. Here's a breakdown to help you decide:

1. Curriculum: A BS in computer science typically involves more in-depth study of the subject and has a heavier focus on mathematics, algorithms, and programming. On the other hand, a BA in computer science is generally more flexible, with a broader liberal arts foundation. This flexibility allows you to explore other fields, like business, design, or social sciences, alongside your computer science courses.

2. Career Goals: If you envision a career solely as a software engineer, systems analyst, or data scientist, a BS in computer science may better equip you with the technical skills and knowledge required for these positions. On the other hand, if you're considering a tech-related career that involves management, communication, or collaboration with other departments, a BA in computer science might be more suitable, as it exposes you to a wider range of subjects and does more to develop your soft skills.

3. Graduate Studies: If you plan to pursue an advanced degree in computer science or a related field, a BS degree could provide a more solid foundation in core concepts and increase your chances of getting into a competitive graduate program. On the other hand, if you're considering an MBA or graduate studies in a discipline outside of computer science, a BA might be a better fit.

4. Personal Interests: Reflect on your own interests and passions outside of computer science. If you enjoy interdisciplinary studies and want to explore subjects like psychology, sociology, or the arts in-depth, a BA could offer a well-rounded educational experience. If you prefer to be fully immersed in computer science and mathematics, a BS might be a better choice.

Ultimately, the choice between a BA and BS in computer science will depend on your individual preferences, career goals, and desired academic experience in college. Consider factors such as your interests outside of computer science, the level of technical expertise you aim to achieve, and your plans for graduate studies when deciding on the right path for you.

You could also consider reaching out to computer science professors at the colleges you're considering, or connecting with your high school computer science teacher (if you have one) or anyone you know who works in tech, to discuss the difference further. They will have firsthand experiences and anecdotes to share that may be helpful to you as you decide.

Don't stress yourself out too much, though, as both will give you excellent opportunities down the line in the world of computer science, and there is a lot of overlap between them. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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