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Howard vs Yale: Help me make a choice

I've been accepted to both Howard and Yale and I'm having trouble making a final decision. Could anyone provide insights into the campus life, academics, and overall experience at both schools? I'm planning on majoring in Political Science. Thanks for any advice you can give!

a year ago

Congratulations on getting accepted into both Howard and Yale! That's a great accomplishment. I'll provide you with some considerations for each school to help make your decision:

Howard University:

1. Historically Black College/University (HBCU): As an HBCU, Howard provides a unique and nurturing environment where you can embrace and celebrate your African and/or African-American heritage. The atmosphere supports the development of strong cultural identity and leadership skills.

2. Location: Being in Washington, D.C. offers many opportunities for internships, job prospects, and networking in the fields of politics, business, and culture.

3. Strong Political Science program: Howard's program boasts noteworthy alumni, including elected officials and political leaders. You'll have access to professors who have extensive experience in the field.

Yale University:

1. Ivy League Prestige: As an Ivy League institution, Yale comes with an impressive global reputation and strong alumni network. Graduating from Yale can help open doors for your future career.

2. Residential College System: Each student is placed into one of 14 residential colleges, which encourages a tight-knit community among students and fosters a sense of belonging.

3. Renowned Political Science program: Yale's Political Science department is known for its rigorous coursework and offering a wide range of subfields, including international relations and political philosophy. The campus also houses various research centers and institutes.

Aside from academics and campus life, consider factors such as financial aid, distance from home, and potential extracurricular activities available at each school. It may also help to visit both campuses if possible, as experiencing the atmosphere firsthand can give you a gut feeling about which school is a better fit for you.

Ultimately, both schools offer fantastic opportunities, and your choice will ultimately depend on what aspects are more important to you, as they are fantastic in quite different ways. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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