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ECU vs UNCW: Which one's better for a biology major?

Hey! Can anyone provide some insight on which college is better between ECU and UNCW for a biology major? I'm interested in research opportunities, class sizes and extracurricular activities. What are the differences in overall experience at each university? Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Hello! Both ECU and UNCW have solid programs for biology majors, but there are a few distinctions to consider when making your decision.

Research opportunities: Both universities offer research opportunities, but ECU seems to have more extensive research facilities and connections, thanks to its Brody School of Medicine. This could provide you with a wider range of research opportunities and potential mentorship from faculty members.

Class sizes: UNCW generally has smaller class sizes, which can lead to more personalized attention from professors and a closer-knit academic community. This could be valuable if you enjoy more individualized instruction and closer relationships with professors.

Extracurricular activities: In terms of extracurriculars, both universities offer numerous clubs and organizations related to biology and other interests. ECU might have more biology-related extracurriculars due to its larger size, but with both schools, you should be able to find activities that match your passions.

Overall experience: The overall experience at each university is somewhat subjective and depends on personal preferences. ECU is located in Greenville, a small city that offers a diverse range of activities and experiences. UNCW is located in Wilmington, which is a coastal city with a laid-back atmosphere and beach access. You might want to visit both campuses and get a sense of which environment suits you better.

In conclusion, ECU might have an edge for a biology major in terms of research opportunities and a broader range of extracurricular activities. However, UNCW's smaller class sizes and coastal location could provide a more intimate and relaxed college experience. It's essential to weigh these factors against your personal preferences and visit each campus to determine the best choice for your needs. Good luck with your decision!

8 months ago

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