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UDub vs WSU: Environmental Science Programs?

Hey, I am trying to decide between UDub and WSU for an environmental science major. Can you guys share experiences or insights about the quality of the programs, internship opportunities, and campus life at both universities?

a year ago

First of all, congratulations on getting accepted to both universities! Both University of Washington (UDub) and Washington State University (WSU) have strong environmental science programs; however, there are some differences to consider. I will break down some aspects that you've mentioned for both schools.

Program Quality:

- UDub: Environmental Science program at UDub benefits from the university's College of the Environment, which is renowned for its research and faculty. UDub tends to rank higher for its environmental science program due to the strength of its faculty and the interdisciplinary approach in teaching the subject, as well as the school's commitment to the sciences as a whole.

- WSU: WSU also has a good environmental science program through its College of Arts and Sciences. While the program may not have the same level of reputation as UDub's, it still provides a well-rounded curriculum, and WSU's smaller size could lead to more personalized interactions with faculty.

Internship Opportunities:

- UDub: UDub's location in Seattle typically means more internship opportunities in both public and private sectors, given its proximity to a larger number of organizations and businesses focused on environmental issues. UDub also has a strong network of alumni who can help you find internships related to your major.

- WSU: WSU is located in Pullman, which is more rural compared to Seattle. While the number of internship opportunities might be fewer, WSU still has connections with local and regional organizations for potential internships, which can also provide different, hands-on experiences in environmental science. Additionally, depending on your particular career goals within the field of environmental science, being in a more remote location could lead to better practical learning experiences.

Campus Life:

- UDub: UDub's campus is located in the city, offering students the chance to engage with a more urban environment and enjoy the various cultural, recreational, and professional opportunities that Seattle has to offer. It's relatively easy for UDub students to explore the city, and there are many clubs and organizations on campus, as well as a strong sports culture - the football team even made it to the national championship game in 2024!

- WSU: WSU's campus has more of a traditional college-town feel, with a tight-knit community and a strong sense of school spirit. Smaller class sizes and campus population may provide a more intimate learning experience. WSU also has a strong sports culture, but their teams haven't had quite as much success as UDub's lately.

I hope this comparison helps you make a decision. It ultimately depends on your personal preferences and goals. If you value a highly-ranked program, urban environment, and diverse internship opportunities, UDub might be the better choice. On the other hand, if you prefer more of a traditional college experience, smaller class sizes, and a tight-knit community, WSU could be the right fit for you. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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