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UPenn vs Northwestern: Which one is better for pre-med?

Hello everyone! I've been admitted to both UPenn and Northwestern and I'd appreciate it if someone could give me some insights on their pre-med programs and experiences. I'm also curious about the campus life and extracurricular activities at both schools.

8 months ago

Congratulations on being admitted to both UPenn and Northwestern! Both are outstanding institutions with strong pre-med programs, but they offer different experiences and campus vibes.

For pre-med, the curriculum and opportunities at both schools should set you up well for medical school.

- UPenn has a considerable advantage because of its affiliation with the highly ranked Perelman School of Medicine. This allows for seamless access to research, shadowing, and volunteering opportunities at the renowned Hospitals of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP).

- Northwestern, on the other hand, has strong connections with the Feinberg School of Medicine, which similarly offers valuable opportunities, but UPenn might have a slight edge here.

In terms of extracurricular activities, both schools have a wide variety of clubs, research opportunities, and community outreach programs specifically tailored for pre-med students.

- At Northwestern, you'll find options like the Northwestern Undergraduate Research Journal, Global Medical Brigade, and Peer Health Exchange.

- UPenn features the Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT), UPenn Global Medical Brigade, and the Penn Medicine RISE fellowship.

When considering the campus life and atmosphere at each school, location can play a significant role in shaping your experience.

- UPenn is located in the bustling city of Philadelphia, offering plenty of internship and networking opportunities, as well as an exciting city life.

- On the other hand, Northwestern is set in Evanston, a picturesque suburban college town near Chicago. This lends itself to a more tight-knit campus community with the advantage of also having a major city nearby for exploration.

In the end, choosing between UPenn and Northwestern should come down to your personal preferences, priorities, and the type of environment where you feel most comfortable. Visiting each campus, if possible, and talking to current students or alumni can give you a better sense of which community you'd thrive in. Ultimately, both universities will prepare you well for a future career in medicine, so consider which aspects of campus life and extracurricular activities are most appealing to you. Good luck!

8 months ago

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