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Transcript necessity during application process

Hi, guys! So, I know transcripts are important for the college application process, but when might a transcript be necessary? Like, at what stages in the process do colleges request this information?

8 months ago

Hi! Transcripts are indeed an essential part of the college application process, as they allow colleges to assess your academic performance and rigor throughout high school. Here's a general timeline of when you might need to submit your transcript:

1. Initial application submission (Common App, Coalition App, etc.): You'll need to have your high school counselor or another school official upload your transcript as part of the documents that are sent to the colleges you're applying to. This usually includes your grades from freshman to junior year, and possibly your senior year course schedule or first quarter grades, especially if you're applying Early Action/Early Decision.

2. Mid-year report: After the first semester of your senior year, most colleges will require an updated transcript. This will include your senior year fall semester grades. Your high school counselor typically submits the mid-year report for you, but you may want to double-check with them to ensure that is indeed the case.

3. Upon being admitted: If you are admitted to a college, they'll usually request your final high school transcript after you graduate. This will confirm that you've maintained your academic performance and completed all graduation requirements as expected. If there's a significant drop in your grades or you fail to complete graduation requirements, there's a possibility that your admission offer could be rescinded, but don't worry too much about that - being rescinded is rare and only happens in truly extreme circumstances.

As you can see, the most crucial stages in the application process where your transcript is required are during your initial college application submission and after you graduate high school, with a mid-year update also being provided between those two bookends. To ensure everything goes smoothly, maintain open communication with your high school counselor and discuss the necessary steps for submitting transcripts on time. Good luck with your college applications!

8 months ago

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