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Virtual Job Options for High Schoolers

I'm currently a junior and looking for a part-time job to gain some skills and experience, but with everything going on, I'd rather it be a virtual/remote job. Anyone have any suggestions for the type of jobs or resources where I can find virtual work suitable for high school students? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

It's great that you're seeking opportunities to gain skills and experience through a part-time job, especially virtual ones, which can offer flexibility that makes balancing this extra commitment more manageable. Here are some ideas for virtual jobs that may be suited for high school students:

1. Tutoring: If you excel in a particular subject, you can offer online tutoring services to fellow high school students or younger kids. Websites like and Wyzant help connect tutors with students. You could also reach out to your teachers or school counselor to see if they're aware of any tutoring opportunities.

2. Freelance Writing: If you're a strong writer, consider writing articles for websites, blogs, or local newspapers. Platforms like Upwork and Freelancer can help you find writing gigs that align with your interests. You could explore writing opportunities within content mills as well.

3. Graphic Design: If you have a knack for design, you can create logos, illustrations, or social media content for clients. Start by building a portfolio showcasing your work and then join websites like Fiverr, or search for freelance opportunities online.

4. Social Media Management: Many small businesses and organizations need help managing their social media presence. You can reach out to businesses in your area, especially ones that recently opened, and offer to create content, schedule posts, and engage with followers. Understanding of social media platforms and trends is crucial for this role, so this is one opportunity where your age may actually be an advantage!

5. Virtual Assistant: Some small businesses and professionals hire virtual assistants to help with tasks like data entry, email management, and scheduling, which can help you develop valuable organizational and communication skills. Note that this job may require some prior knowledge of specific tools.

6. Online Customer Service or Sales: Some companies hire remote customer service representatives or sales associates. These roles may involve answering customer inquiries, assisting with order processing, or selling products over the phone.

You can also check out general job search websites like Indeed or Glassdoor and filter the search results for remote or virtual positions. Another resource for finding virtual work is, a platform focused on remote job opportunities.

Best of luck as you explore the various options for virtual work!

a year ago

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