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ACT Writing Score for Ivy League Schools

Hey guys, I just received my ACT Writing score, and I'm wondering what's considered a good enough score for applying to Ivy League schools. Does anyone have any insight into this? Thanks!

a year ago

It's important to remember that Ivy League schools look at applicants holistically, which means they take into account your entire application, not just your test scores. However, to give you some guidance, a competitive ACT Writing score for Ivy League schools typically falls within the 10-12 range (out of 12). Keep in mind, this is not a strict cutoff, but rather an approximation of the average range amongst accepted students.

Your overall ACT composite score, grades, course rigor, extracurriculars, essays, and recommendation letters are also crucial components of your application. The Writing section is just one piece of the puzzle, and a slightly lower score, if balanced by other strong components, might not be a deal-breaker.

It's also important to note that many colleges have gone test-optional since 2020, which means that you may not be required to submit your ACT scores (including the Writing section) at all. Before applying, it's a good idea to check each institution's specific testing policies.

In summary, while a score of 10-12 is a competitive ACT Writing score for Ivy League schools, remember that your application is evaluated holistically, and a strong overall application is what ultimately determines your chances of admission. Good luck!

a year ago

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