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Syracuse vs Lehigh opinions?

I've been accepted to both Syracuse and Lehigh and I'm torn between the two. What are some significant differences between them and what are your thoughts on their campuses, academic reputation, and social life?

a year ago

Congratulations on your acceptances! Both Syracuse and Lehigh are excellent schools, and making a decision between them can be tough. I'll outline some of the key differences in terms of campus, academic reputation, and social life to help you with your decision.

Campus: Syracuse University is located in Syracuse, New York, which is an urban setting with a small-city vibe. The campus itself is larger and offers a mix of contemporary and classic architecture. Lehigh University is located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, with a suburban and picturesque setting alongside the Lehigh River. Lehigh's campus is smaller and has a more historic feel.

Academic Reputation: Academically, both universities are solid, but their strengths lie in different areas. Syracuse is well-known for its communications, journalism, and public relations programs through the S.I. Newhouse School, and also has strong, specialized business and architecture programs. Lehigh is recognized for its engineering and business programs, and it boasts a strong focus on interdisciplinary and real-world experience through collaboration with its various colleges.

Class sizes and student-faculty ratios vary between the two schools as well. Syracuse boasts a 15:1 student-faculty ratio, while Lehigh offers a slightly lower 9:1 student-faculty ratio. Depending on the kind of academic experience you're looking for, the difference in class sizes and access to faculty members could be a factor in your decision. Generally, a lower student-faculty ratio means more personalized attention from professors, which can help you build relationships with them. That's a plus when asking for letters of recommendation for jobs or grad school, or for getting general advice about your future goals.

Social Life: Both schools offer robust social lives and opportunities to get involved. Syracuse is known for its school spirit, especially in terms of sports. Its Division I athletics (particularly basketball) often unite the entire student body. Greek life is present, with approximately 30% of the students involved. Lehigh also has a strong sports culture (though not as high-profile as Syracuse), and it has a more pronounced Greek scene, with approximately 40% of students participating.

Location: Each campus offers different options for off-campus activities. At Syracuse, you'll find various dining and entertainment options in the city, along with access to outdoor activities in upstate New York. Lehigh, on the other hand, is located in a more suburban area, offering a quieter environment. You're also close to larger cities like Philadelphia and New York if you're seeking a weekend getaway in the city.

In summary, consider the type of campus environment you prefer (urban vs. suburban), the strength of the academic programs in your area of interest, and the kind of social atmosphere you're seeking. Visiting both campuses, if possible, can give you a better sense of each school's culture and help you make a more informed decision. Best of luck with your choice!

a year ago

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