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WashU vs Northwestern

Hey guys! I am a high school junior and I'm starting to stress about the whole college thing. I am interested in both WashU and Northwestern, but I'm not sure how to choose between them. Could you please provide some insights on their differences, especially in terms of academic reputation, campus vibe and job/internship opportunities?

8 months ago

Congratulations on starting your college search process! Both WashU and Northwestern are great schools, but they do have distinct differences in their academic reputation, campus vibe, and job/internship opportunities.

Academic Reputation:

While both schools are known for their strong academic programs and are well-regarded, Northwestern has a slightly better overall reputation. In general, Northwestern is stronger in journalism (with the prestigious Medill School), theater, engineering, and economics.

Meanwhile, WashU excels in pre-med, biomedical engineering, and social work. Keep in mind that you should focus on the specific programs you're interested in, not just general reputation, when comparing these two schools.

Campus Vibe:

WashU has a beautiful, enclosed campus often described as "bucolic" and is known for its tight-knit community feeling, where students are warm and collaborative. St. Louis, where WashU is located, is relatively more affordable compared to a big city, with many free or low-cost attractions nearby.

Northwestern has a campus with stunning views of Lake Michigan and a slightly more urban setting due to its proximity to both Evanston and Chicago. Northwestern’s student body is also known to be intellectually curious, though it can be a bit more competitive overall. Being closer to a major city like Chicago allows for easier access to more cultural and networking opportunities.

Job/Internship Opportunities:

Both WashU and Northwestern have strong connections to local businesses and job markets. Northwestern holds an advantage here due to its location near Chicago, where there is a vast number of internship and job opportunities, and students can more easily network with alumni and professionals. However, WashU students are still very successful in securing job placements and internships, with many national and international companies actively recruiting on campus.

In conclusion, making a decision between WashU and Northwestern will largely depend on your personal preferences, academic interests, and ideal campus setting. Be sure to research further via official websites, virtual tours, and by speaking with current students or alumni to gather a more comprehensive understanding of the schools. Good luck with your college search!

8 months ago

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