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High school courses to take for aspiring software engineers?

Hi everyone, I'm currently a high school junior and I'm hoping to become a software engineer one day. Which courses would be most helpful for me to take in high school to prepare for this career? Are there any classes that you'd recommend beyond the typical math and science-related ones?

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're planning ahead for a career in software engineering. You should definitely focus on math and science courses, as they will provide you with a strong foundation for college-level coursework in engineering and computer science. Here are some specific courses you may want to consider:

1. Computer Science: If your school offers any computer science courses, definitely take those to get a head start on programming and algorithms. AP Computer Science A is a solid option that exposes you to Java and object-oriented programming.

2. Math: Advanced math courses like Calculus (either AB or BC if offered as AP courses) will be very helpful, as you'll need a solid foundation in math to understand the more complex concepts in software engineering.

3. Physics: Physics courses, especially AP Physics C: Mechanics and/or Electricity & Magnetism, are beneficial for understanding hardware-software interaction and the technical aspect of the field.

Beyond these core classes, consider looking into the following:

4. Web Design/Development: If your school offers any web design or development courses, these can be helpful for learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are essential for creating user interfaces in software engineering.

5. Project-Based Learning or Engineering Courses: Some schools may offer project-based learning or engineering courses where you work on collaborative projects, which can help develop teamwork and problem-solving skills.

6. Electives: Explore electives that may be related to technology, design, or problem-solving like computer-aided design (CAD), game design, or even digital art. They could help broaden your skillset and give you a more diverse perspective on tackling software-related challenges.

You should also look for extracurricular activities to further develop your skills and gain more practical experience, such as joining or creating a coding club, participating in hackathons, or taking online coding courses (like those on websites like Codecademy or edX). These experiences will not only strengthen your technical abilities but also demonstrate your interest and dedication to software engineering when applying to colleges. Good luck with your course selections and future aspirations!

a year ago

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