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Dartmouth vs Northwestern: Help Deciding?

Hey everyone, I've been accepted to both Dartmouth and Northwestern and I'm really torn between the two. Can anyone give me some insight on the differences between the schools, in terms of academics, social life, and campus environment? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Congratulations on getting accepted to both Dartmouth and Northwestern! Let's break down some key differences between the two in terms of academics, social life, and campus environment.

Academics: Dartmouth is a part of the Ivy League, while Northwestern is often referred to as an 'Ivy-plus' school. Both are renowned for their strong academics and resources. Dartmouth has a more intimate, liberal arts focus, offering smaller class sizes and a closer faculty-student relationship. Northwestern is known for its strong journalism, engineering, and theater programs. Consider your intended major and specific departmental strengths when making your decision.

Social Life: Dartmouth has a tight-knit community, largely stemming from its isolated location in Hanover, New Hampshire. Its social scene is often dominated by Greek life, with about 60% of students participating. Northwestern, located in Evanston, Illinois, is a suburb of Chicago, providing students with easy access to the city. The social scene at Northwestern is more diverse, with Greek life playing a role but not dominating the entire scene. Students might divide their social time between campus events, Greek life, and exploring the nearby city.

Campus Environment: As mentioned earlier, Dartmouth's location in rural New Hampshire gives it a secluded and picturesque campus. If you love the outdoors and a small-town feel, Dartmouth might be more appealing. Northwestern's campus is located along Lake Michigan, with beautiful views and a more suburban atmosphere. Proximity to Chicago allows for a blend of urban and suburban experiences.

To make your decision, consider which academic programs align best with your interests, whether you prefer a more intimate or diverse social scene, and whether you'd feel more at home in a rural or suburban setting. You may also want to reach out to current students/alumni or visit both campuses if that's an option. Ultimately, it would be wise choosing the school with the education, facilities, and location which align better with your values, goals, and learning preferences. Good luck!

a year ago

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