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SAT: 720 math
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National Academy of Future Physicians at Bottega University?

Hi there! I've been invited to attend the National Academy of Future Physicians event at Bottega University. Has anyone attended this program before? What was your experience like and do you think it's worth attending?

a year ago

Hello! I've heard of the National Academy of Future Physicians event at Bottega University, and it can be a unique opportunity for high school students interested in pursuing careers in medicine. However, opinions on the value of these programs can be quite varied.

On the positive side, attending the event could give you access to inspiring lectures and talks by renowned professionals in the field of medicine. You might also have the chance to network with like-minded students who share your passion for healthcare. These connections can be valuable as you navigate your future career.

On the other hand, some students feel that these events may not be worth the cost, as they can be quite expensive. It's important to remember that simply attending an event like this may not significantly impact your college applications. Admissions committees are more focused on consistent, long-term involvement and accomplishments in your extracurricular activities.

Before making a decision, consider your personal interest in the event and weigh the potential benefits against the cost. Take into account your current involvement in healthcare-related activities and if attending the National Academy of Future Physicians event would genuinely contribute to your growth and passion in this field. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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