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American University vs George Washington University: Which one's a better fit?

Hey everyone, I'm trying to decide between American University and George Washington University. Can anyone give me some insights into the social scene, academic opportunities, and campus life at both schools? Thanks in advance!

4 months ago

Hello! Great question. Both American University (AU) and George Washington University (GWU) are fantastic choices, but they have some differences that may help you decide which is a better fit for you.

Social Scene:

AU is known for its more tight-knit social scene, with a smaller student body and a suburban campus. Many clubs and organizations are available for students to meet others with similar interests, creating a sense of community. Greek life is present but not as dominant compared to GWU.

GWU is larger and has a more urban campus, which provides a more city-living vibe, with a more vibrant and diverse social scene. The student body is made up of people from various backgrounds, and there's a more significant Greek life presence. There are also plenty of opportunities for cultural experiences and off-campus socializing.

Academic Opportunities:

AU is known for its excellent programs in international relations, communications, and political science. It offers a wide variety of majors and has a strong focus on research and experiential learning. Professors at AU are typically accessible and eager to help students succeed.

GWU is a research-intensive institution that is particularly well-regarded in international affairs, public health, and political science. It also offers a variety of minors, dual-degree programs, and study abroad opportunities. As GWU is located in the heart of Washington, D.C., there are many internship possibilities and connections to professionals in various fields.

Campus Life:

AU has a suburban, green campus that provides a more traditional college experience. There are ample on-campus facilities (e.g., gyms, dining centers, and study areas), and AU requires freshmen to live on campus for the first year. Safety is generally good around campus. There is a shuttle service to the metro, making it easy to access downtown D.C.

GWU's urban campus is spread throughout the Foggy Bottom neighborhood in Washington, D.C. Many buildings and services are integrated within the city. This can provide a more dynamic experience but may also mean less of a traditional college feel. There's easy access to nearby restaurants, museums, and shopping centers. Do be aware that campus safety may vary somewhat in this urban setting.

To sum it up, AU might be a better fit if you prefer a smaller, close-knit community and a more traditional college atmosphere with a suburban feel, whereas GWU may be the right choice if you prefer an urban campus with a more diverse social scene and a city-living experience. Keep in mind that looking into the specific academic programs that interest you and visiting each campus can be helpful as you finalize your decision. Good luck!

4 months ago

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