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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How does an SAT score of 1700 compare?

Hey guys, I saw someone mentioning an SAT score of 1700, but I thought the new SAT is out of 1600. Can anyone clarify this? I'm just really confused. Thanks.

a year ago

Hey there! You're correct that the current SAT scoring system is indeed out of 1600 points. So, an SAT score of 1700 would be referring to the old SAT, which was scored on a scale of 2400 points. In 2016, the SAT was redesigned to be out of 1600 points as it is today.

So, an SAT score of 1700 might have been a decent score under the old format, but it is not applicable to the current SAT. To make meaningful comparisons or evaluate score competitiveness for college admissions, you'll want to focus on scores within the current 1600-point scale. Good luck with your test preparation and college applications!

a year ago

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