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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the deal with UCLA Sproul Landing?

I've heard Sproul Landing mentioned a lot when it comes to choosing housing at UCLA. Can someone explain to me what it's like and what I should expect from living there? What's the community like, and is the location convenient? Thanks!

a year ago

Sure! UCLA's Sproul Landing is one of the on-campus housing options available to students, primarily focused on accommodating first-year students. It's located in the Hill area, making it an attractive choice because of its close proximity to dining facilities, classes, and other campus resources.

Sproul Landing consists of several suite-style residence halls, with each suite typically consisting of two rooms shared by 3-4 students per room, along with a shared living area and bathroom. The rooms are fully furnished with beds, desks, and closets. The suite-style layout promotes a sense of community among students, making it easy to make friends and connect with your floor-mates.

Speaking of community, living in Sproul Landing offers numerous opportunities to get involved on-campus and immerse yourself in UCLA's vibrant social scene. There are frequent events and activities organized by residential advisors (RAs) that help foster a strong sense of belonging among residents. Additionally, Sproul Landing is part of the larger Sproul Complex, which also includes Sproul Cove and Sproul Hall. This diversity of students within the complex adds to the lively atmosphere.

The location itself is quite convenient, as you'll be within walking distance to many campus resources like, De Neve Commons, Bruin Plate, and the John Wooden Fitness Center. Furthermore, academic buildings and libraries are easily accessible with a short walk down Bruin Walk. The Hill's convenience makes it an attractive option for first-year students who want easy access to campus amenities.

In summary, Sproul Landing is a great housing option at UCLA for students who enjoy a lively community and suite-style living in close proximity to essential campus facilities. The location is convenient, and the community atmosphere is welcoming and supportive, making it an ideal place to start your college journey.

a year ago

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