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NYU vs Berkeley?

I am having trouble deciding between NYU and Berkeley for political science. Can anyone give me some advice on their experiences at these schools or any factors that might make one preferred over the other? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

First of all, congratulations on getting accepted into both NYU and Berkeley! They are both excellent schools with strong political science programs. Deciding between the two can indeed be difficult, so let's break down some key differences to help you make an informed decision.

Geographical and Cultural Differences:

- NYU is located in the heart of New York City, while Berkeley is in the San Francisco Bay Area. These are two distinct urban environments – NYC being, more cosmopolitan and bustling, whereas Berkeley has a more laid-back, and slightly more progressive atmosphere. Consider which environment you'd prefer and thrive in.

- Additionally, the political atmosphere in the surrounding areas of the schools might also be a factor, with NYC and the East Coast generally being more diverse in terms of political ideologies, while Berkeley and the West Coast tend to lean more liberal.

Academics and Resources:

- Both NYU and Berkeley have well-regarded political science programs. Berkeley is often ranked slightly higher than NYU in terms of political science, but the difference is usually not significant enough to be a deal-breaker.

- Both schools have strong faculty and research opportunities. However, Berkeley, as a public research institution, tends to have more extensive funding and resources for research compared to NYU, which may translate to more opportunities for undergraduate research and internships.

- The class sizes may differ as well, with NYU potentially offering smaller classes and more personal interactions with professors, while Berkeley as a larger public university, might have larger class sizes, particularly in lower-division courses.

Cost of Attendance:

- Make sure to take into account the cost of attendance and financial aid offerings at each school. NYU and Berkeley may have vastly different tuition rates, especially if you are an in-state student for California.

- Also, consider the cost of living in each location. NYC generally has a higher cost of living compared to Berkeley, which might affect your overall budget.

Ultimately, you should think about what environment and factors are most important to you in terms of your college experience. It's crucial to align your personal preferences and goals with the specific strengths and characteristics of each school in order to make the best decision for yourself. Good luck with your decision-making process!

a year ago

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