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VT vs William and Mary: Help me decide please

Hey all, I'm trying to decide between Virginia Tech and William and Mary for economics. Can somebody tell me more about their experiences, the academic environment, and other factors to consider? Thanks so much!

a year ago

Hey there! Congrats on getting into both Virginia Tech and William and Mary! They're both excellent schools, but they have some key differences that could help you decide which one is the better fit for you.

Academic Environment: Virginia Tech is well-known for its strong engineering and technical programs, but its economics program is also quite solid. It has a larger student population, so you might experience larger class sizes, especially in introductory courses. William and Mary, on the other hand, is a smaller liberal arts college with a heavier focus on the humanities, social sciences, and research. Its class sizes generally tend to be smaller, so you may have more opportunities for close interactions with professors and fellow students.

Atmosphere: The social atmosphere at these schools differs quite a bit too. Virginia Tech has a lively campus with a strong sense of school spirit, shaped in part by their successful sports teams. Greek life and other traditional college social activities are more prevalent here. William and Mary is more laid-back, with a stronger focus on academics and research, and offers a more serene, historic setting in Colonial Williamsburg. While both schools have plenty of extracurricular opportunities, the overall vibe varies substantially.

Location: Virginia Tech is located in Blacksburg, which has a classic college town feel with outdoor recreational opportunities nearby in the Blue Ridge Mountains. William and Mary is in historic Williamsburg, a quieter and more picturesque small town that's still close to larger cities like Richmond and Virginia Beach.

Ultimately, the decision will likely come down to how well you see yourself fitting into the academic, social, and geographic environment of each school. Visit both campuses, if possible, and talk to current students or alumni from each institution to get a firsthand feel of what your life at each one would look like. Good luck, and I hope you find the perfect fit for you!

a year ago

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