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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Boarding school vs public school: What's your take?

Hi folks! I'm wondering if going to a boarding school for my last two years of high school can help me increase my chances of getting into a top-tier college compared to staying in a public school? Thoughts?

a year ago

Hi there! This is an interesting question, as both boarding schools and public schools have various pros and cons when it comes to preparing for college admissions. It ultimately depends on the specific schools and what they have to offer.

Academically, top boarding schools typically provide a more rigorous curriculum than public schools and may also have smaller class sizes, which can lead to increased personal attention from teachers and more opportunities for intellectual growth. Additionally, renowned boarding schools tend to have strong connections with elite colleges, so their college counseling departments might have more experience helping students apply to these colleges.

On the other hand, public schools generally provide students with a more diverse set of experiences, both in terms of the student population and extracurricular activities. This diversity can help shape your perspectives in unique ways and contribute to your overall personal growth, which are both things top-tier colleges value. Plus, many public schools also offer strong academic programs and advanced courses (e.g., AP or IB), providing you with ample opportunities to challenge yourself academically.

It's essential to consider your priorities—do you thrive in a more structured environment focused on accelerating your academic and personal growth, like a boarding school? Or, do you prefer the freedom to explore various interests in a larger community, like a public school? Both options have their benefits, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

Finally, not all boarding schools and not all public schools were created equal, so you'll want to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of the particular schools you're considering against each other rather than just evaluating these broad categories of kinds of schools. Remember, it's not the type of school you attend that guarantees success in college admissions - it's what you do with the resources and opportunities given to you. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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