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University of Delaware vs Cornell: Which one to choose?

Hi everyone! I was admitted to both the University of Delaware and Cornell University. I'm trying to decide which would be the best fit for me. Could you please share your experiences or thoughts on academics, campus life, and job prospects at either school? Thanks a bunch!

a year ago

Congratulations on being admitted to both the University of Delaware and Cornell University! That's a significant achievement. When comparing the two, there are several factors to consider, and I'll touch upon some of them below.

1. Academics:

Cornell is an Ivy League school, and it's known for its rigorous academics and prestigious faculty. On the other hand, the University of Delaware is also highly reputable, but the competitiveness may be slightly lower. Think about your academic goals and whether you'd thrive in a more challenging environment or prefer a somewhat more relaxed atmosphere.

2. Campus life:

Both universities have their own distinct campus vibes.

- Cornell is located in Ithaca, NY, which offers a smaller town feel with a strong sense of community. It's surrounded by beautiful nature and offers a wealth of outdoor activities.

- The University of Delaware, located in Newark, DE, is close to several major cities like Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C. This can provide more opportunities for cultural experiences and entertainment.

Consider what setting would suit you better, and perhaps visit both campuses to get a feel for daily life.

3. Job prospects:

Each school offers strong career services and networking opportunities. However, a degree from Cornell might carry more weight and open doors to a broader range of opportunities, particularly in highly competitive fields. While the University of Delaware has excellent connections within the region, Cornell's Ivy League status may provide better connections nationwide. Keep your career goals and aspirations in mind when making this decision.

4. Cost:

Lastly, consider the financial aspect of attending each school. If one of them has offered you a more generous financial aid package, it might be worth factoring that into your decision. Graduating with less debt can provide you with more flexibility when it comes to pursuing your career and further education.

In the end, it boils down to what feels right for you. Take some time to reflect on your priorities and weigh the pros and cons of each school. Ultimately, the decision will depend on your personal preferences, goals, and expectations. Whichever school you choose, I'm confident you'll have a fantastic college experience! Good luck!

a year ago

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