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Stonehill vs Quinnipiac: Which one is better?

Hey guys, I've been accepted into both Stonehill and Quinnipiac and I'm having a hard time deciding which one to commit to. Can anyone give me some personal insight or share any pros/cons about either school?

a year ago

Congratulations on your acceptances! Deciding which college to commit to can be a tough decision, so I'll try to break down some main points for you to consider.

Academics: Look at the specific programs or majors each school offers that align with your interests and career goals. Each school may have strengths in different areas. For example, Quinnipiac is well-known for its strong programs in healthcare, business, and communications. On the other hand, Stonehill offers a wide range of liberal arts programs, so it might be a better fit if you're interested in a traditional liberal arts education.

Campus Vibe: Stonehill and Quinnipiac have distinct campus environments and cultures. Stonehill is a smaller school with around 2500 students and a tight-knit community. It's located in a suburban area called Easton, around 30 minutes away from Boston. Quinnipiac boasts slightly larger enrollment at around 6000 students and is located in Hamden, Connecticut, about 90 minutes from New York City. Visiting the campuses can give you a firsthand experience of the atmosphere and help you decide which one suits you better.

Extracurriculars: Consider opportunities offered by each college outside of the classroom for engaging with your interests, developing leadership skills, and growing your network. Both schools offer a variety of clubs and organizations, so take a look at which ones align best with your passions and goals.

Housing and Campus Life: Check out housing options and campus life facilities, like dining halls, fitness centers, and libraries for each college. Also, consider factors like study abroad programs and internships opportunities available at each school, since they can significantly impact your overall college experience.

Financial Aid: Last but not least, compare the financial aid packages offered by each college. Make sure you also consider factors like cost of living and potential extra expenses, like transportation, to ensure you're making an informed decision.

Overall, the best choice for you depends on your individual preferences and priorities. Weigh the pros and cons, take some time to visit both campuses if possible, and go with your gut feeling. Good luck, and I hope this helps you make your decision!

a year ago

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